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Born in  Pforzheim, FR Germany, in 1972. 

She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Osijek, Department of Croatian Language and Literature.


In 1994. she started working for Glas Slavonije, The Voice of Slavonia (daily news) as a part-time associate, a year later she worked for Slavonska Televizija, Slavonian local TV station where she remained until 2014. when she began to work as a Croatian language teacher.

She has extensive experience in journalism. On Slavonian Television, she worked as a journalist, editor, a news presenter and a host of various live broadcasts, also performing tasks of news editing

and proofreading.


She is the author and host of several television shows, and she collaborated with Coca-Cola as a screenwriter, creating around 30 corporate films and broadcasts for them.

As a screenwriter, she has participated in documentaries Želim ti reći..., I Want to Tell You… and Bili smo vojnici, We Were Soldiers that describes the war period in a Slavonian village.


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